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La sobrasada

Mallorca Delicatessen

Sobrasada is a classic sausage from the Balearic Islands, made with a mixture of meat and lard, forming a kind of very tasty pâté.


Types of Sobrasada

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Depending on the tripe in which it is stuffed, sobrasada has different types of presentation:

  • Longaniza: stuffed into the small intestine. Due to its rapid curing process, it is consumed in a short time from its production.

  • Semi-curly: medium in size as it is embedded in fine parts of the large intestine.

  • Curly: greater than the semi-curly as it is embedded in thick parts of the large intestine.

  • Cular: curved in shape as it is embedded in the last end of the large intestine.

  • Poltrú: embedded in the cecum, the first end of the large intestine.

  • Bufeta: embedded in the urinary bladder.

  • Bisbe: stuffed into the stomach. The largest and therefore layered healing.

How to eat & recipes with Sobrasada

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If you buy a whole casing, as long as you do not open it, it carries its corresponding date of optimal consumption. Once opened, if you are going to consume it in a few days, you can leave it in the same gut, which will become more and more wrinkled.


If you are going to consume it more slowly, or you already have a badly contained remainder in the gut, then it is better to remove its skin, or "gut" and keep only the tupper pasta, as if it were a cooked product.

Remember to take care that the tupper is well filled to the top so that the minimum amount of air remains inside. This prevents it from drying out and going rancid.


You can also wrap that rest of sobrasada well in waterproof plastic film, and store it in the fridge.


If you think it will take time to consume it again, it also admits freezing.


Although paired only with bread is delicious, we propose some recipes here.

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